Who are you?
phoebe: god
willwallz: multimedia supertalent enterprise.
When does the website get updated for new posts?
phoebe: whenever news comes out or whatever.
What is the sole purpose of okaythanksbye?
"iunno it's cool." - Bepis ("okaythanksbye.neocities.org" enthusiast)
Why did you make this website?
phoebe: it helped me gain custody of my wife's dog
willwallz: i didn't.
Where can you find new posts?
they will be put here up to the beginning of the week and will then be moved to the archive once it becomes too cluttered
Can you promote my shitty stuff and / or add me as an artist?
abso-fucking-lutely not. but if you want to pay us go to the about page and send us an email